Saturday, May 16, 2015

By the Green Wall

6 x 6 inches - oil on hardboard - About a block from us is this green wall that gives the houses privacy from the road. At different times of day the light falls on it in interesting ways. I might expand on this idea down the road a bit.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Desk Chair

6 x 6 inches - oil on gessoboard - Here is another one that I painted from a reference image chromecast to my studio monitor using PhotoVideoCast on my ipad.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Boardroom

80 x 100 cm - oil on stretched canvas - I thought I would show you one of my larger works from a couple of years ago. When I am going to spend a long time on the work I like to make sure that they will have a little edge to both the subject and composition. This is one of the peregrine falcons that live down town among the buildings, perhaps reminding the people in the boardroom to have some respect for nature.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


6 x 6 inches - oil on gessoboard - I have been making some adjustments to my studio which will be revealed in due course.  This painting was created using a new process that might work for me in future.  Sitting with my morning coffee, I took a photo using my ipad of the light streaming onto the sofa in what I thought was an interesting way. I then fed it into photoshop light also on the ipad and adjusted by cropping and fiddling with the saturation etc.  I then fed the image into artrage on the ipad also and painted over it where I knew I wanted to adjust some things. I then used the ipad with a program called Photo VideoCast to send it to the monitor that is in my studio equipped with a Chromecast device which cost $35. I can paint directly from the reference on the monitor which is right beside my easel.

It sounds complicated but its not and in a few minutes while I am having coffee, I have figured out what I am going to paint next.